Deacon Charles Williams
Ministry of Discipleship/Education
Education (Youth) Ministry 1Q
SS Ministries 1Q
Bible Study Ministries 2Q
Leader Development 3Q
Strategic Vision
Our vision is to mobilize our churches efforts in the great commissions’ mandate by providing a progressive and dynamic education process that is intentional for every age level of our church and actually carries out the command “to teach all things I have commanded you.” (Matt 28:20) Our focus is to be intentional in disciple development and set up a system of learning that escalates in biblical knowledge, involves disciples in reproductive service and cultivates leader development and sustainment. We see expanding our territory virtually and physically to support our church vision of 300+ worshippers buy 2028 by growing our team by 30% each year while continuously producing leaders for future church needs.
Vision Mantra
“Carrying out the great commission by designing and conducting intentional discipleship ministry that nurtures spiritual growth, mobilizes disciples’ ministry invol-vement and continuously reproduces leaders .”
5 Goals for 2024
Vision Projections/Accomplishments
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